Monday, October 5, 2009


I got an audition today for the new Gus Van Zant flick shooting next month. It's just one line and I can't imagine really getting paid but if I get it I'll be FAMOUS! Can you imagine? Me neither. It's gonna rule.
I'd be "Nurse 1"....Shitchaya.
This week is a wild card. No obligations, well, recording a track Saturday with Ohioan but the rest is up in the air. I missed my marathon yesterday. Not sure who I was kidding. I don't think you're supposed to just sign up and run a marathon. Maybe next year. No shows i've caught wind of either that smell so sweet I can't resist. I'm sure there's some good stuff, I haven't poked around yet.
I've been listening to Bob Drake's "Skull Mailbox" this morning. The record is genius, deft musicianship and vivid images of scary stories- style macabre. Shrunken heads, impossible shapes, crepuscular vestibules. What?
I love this record.

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